Watch Cameron Diaz And Jimmy Fallon In An Indoor Kayak Race

Projectile salmon and Elton John impersonators, ahoy.

Today in things that must be seen to be believed: two celebrities racing a pair of kayaks on wheels through the back hallways of 30 Rockefeller Plaza, while Elton John impersonators wail in the background and Josh Gad pelts the competing parties with dozens of plush salmon. This was the game concocted by Jimmy Fallon for Cameron Diaz's appearance on Tuesday night's show, and we're sure it seemed like a really good idea at the time.

Alas, it turns out that there's a reason why kayaks with wheels never caught on. But Jimmy, ever the gracious host, wisely abandoned ship so that he could guide Cameron's boat to the finish line. Aww, they're both winners.

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