Daniel Radcliffe Explains Why He Said That Thing About Playing Robin

Because sometimes you just say stuff.

Daniel Radcliffe isn't going to be Robin. At least, as far as he knows, he's not. So why did he say, "I could be Robin. I'm perfect"?

The answer is simple: "It was just another flipping thing I said."

That's what Radcliffe told MTV News when we sat down with him to talk about his play, "The Cripple of Inishmaan" -- which is entering its final week -- and his upcoming romantic comedy, "What If?"

As Radcliffe explains, when you're faced with questions in an interview, what to say comes down to a simple decision. "When you do interview, you're faced with a choice," he said. "Either be the most boring person on Earth or get ridiculous things written about you from time to time."

Well, that clears that up then.

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