Grapes Autographed By Jon Hamm Taste Like Handsome And Funny

Everything tastes better with a little Hamm on it.

Oh, to be a little green grape, lovingly cradled and initialed by the exquisite hands of "Mad Men's" Jon Hamm... and then crushed between the teeth of two delighted comedians.

A video taken at the Big Slick Celebrity Weekend in Kansas City shows Hamm autographing some small fruits for Nick Kroll and Andrea Savage, who eat them and then describe their taste as, quote, "handsome and funny," and apparently not at all like Sharpie or Hamm-fingers.

The celebs were all on hand in advance of this year's Big Slick fundraiser, hosted by Paul Rudd, Rob Riggle, Jason Sudeikis, David Koechner and Eric Stonestreet, which benefits the city's Cancer Center at Children’s Mercy hospital.

Also: we won't spoil it for you, but if you watch this all the way to the end? All these fruit-signing shenanigans opened the door for Paul Rudd to come barreling into the shot with an excellent last-minute zinger.

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