Behind The Scenes Of Kylie Minogue’s ‘Sexercize’: ‘Bending, Stretching, And A Whole Lot More Bouncing’

Prepare to get sweaty.

If you’re looking for a reason to throw out those P90X DVDs or kiss your CrossFit trainer goodbye, then Kylie Minogue has the solution for you. In the music video for her recent single “Sexercize,” the pop sensation takes viewers through a series of workouts that are guaranteed to get the heart pumping.

While some might deem her fitness routines more appropriate for the bedroom than the gym, Minogue says the track has inspired aerobic activity in a plethora of other settings.

“There’s no proof of this but we did bust out some good ‘Sexercize’ moves in the studio [while recording the song]. Yup, I can see them in my mind’s eye now. I’m just not going to reinterpret them,” she told MTV News. “There was a lot of bending, stretching and a whole lot more bouncing.”

Although Minogue was initially hesitant about including “Sexercize” on her 12th studio album, Kiss Me Once – “I wasn’t sure; I thought that just sounds pretty corny” – after laying down her vocals, she knew the song was going to be an instant hit with her fans.

“‘Sexercize’ was a viral single. It just had to be. We couldn’t record ‘Sexercize’ and not make a video for it,” she said. “Even when we were in the studio we were saying, ‘This is going to be fun for the video and when I head out on tour to interpret it,’ channeling Olivia Newton-John’s ‘Physical,’ [and] Jane Fonda aerobics.”

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