Kevin Bacon Teases 'Chilling' Season Premiere Of 'The Following'

Actor spills new details about the Fox drama's highly anticipated second season.

Another one bites the dust when "The Following" returns.

The Grim Reaper is no stranger to the Fox drama, debuting its second season on January 19. MTV News recently got Kevin Bacon to spill some gruesome new details about the show, which follows former FBI agent Ryan Hardy, whose mission is pursuing and punishing serial killer Joe Carroll and his twisted band of followers.

"Last season we ended with a brutal scene in my apartment, but what went on the air was actually a shortened version of that scene," Bacon said. "So to get people back up to speed, we begin with the beginning of that scene and we extend it to see what the outcome was.

"It's kind of a chilling and surprising outcome," he added.

So what does that mean for Claire who was stabbed in the back by a Joe Carroll worshipper in the finale's final moments?

"Claire's fate is not good," Bacon said of the character played by Natalie Zea. He went on to add that the actress "was fantastic playing that part and she did a beautiful job, and one of the sad things with our show is actors come and actors go. So when you see the first episode of this season, [her fate] will be what we find out with the extension of that scene."

Once that story line is tidied up, the tale will jump ahead one year to the anniversary of Carroll's (James Purefoy) "death." Cut to Ryan (Bacon) sober and healthy, but "he is not actually as together as it seems."

Fans can check out a special premiere episode of "The Following" on January 19, following the NFC Championship on Fox. Beginning January 27, the show will air in its normal 9 p.m. time slot on Mondays.

Apart from the return of his prime-time drama, Bacon has other reasons to celebrate this month. On Sunday night, Bacon and wife Kyra Sedgwick stepped out at the Golden Globes to introduce their daughter Sosie Bacon as the 2014 Miss Golden Globe.

"I'm actually sort of astounded at how easily she has slipped into this," Bacon told MTV News days before the big event. "The last couple of days, she's been up at the crack of dawn and going around and doing interviews. She not only enjoys it, but she's really comfortable in it. I don't really know how you get that. I know I wasn't that way when I started doing interviews and I don't know if Kyra was either, but [Sosie] seems to take to it pretty easily."

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