Taylor Swift Explains Falling For The 'Dangerous' Type... And Why You Should Too

'You know you are going to go for it anyway,' Swift tells MTV News of conscious decisions to embark on 'toxic relationships.'

While Taylor Swift's video for "I Knew You Were Trouble." may be something we have never seen or expected from Swift before, the concept of the song is actually quite common.

"I Knew You Were Trouble.," which premiered on Thursday on Swift's 23rd birthday, tells the tale of a good girl falling for the bad boy and the "toxic relationship" that ensues, something that Swift apparently knows all too well.

"I had just gone through an experience that made me write this song about like knowing the second you see someone like, 'Oh, this is going to be interesting. It's going to be dangerous, but look at me going in there anyway," Swift told MTV News' Sway Calloway. "I think that for me, it was the first time I ever kind of noticed that in myself, like when you are curious about something you know might be bad for you, but you know that you are going to go for it anyway because if you don't, you'll have greater regrets about not seeing where that would go, but I think that for me it all went along with this record that was pushing boundaries, like the sound of this record pushes boundaries, it was writing about something I hadn't written before."

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And while many of her Swifties have been dissecting the lyrics trying and figure out just who "I Knew You Were Trouble." is about, Swift seems to have traded the bad boys for boy bands, since she is currently linked to One Direction's Harry Styles, but still can relate to all those girls looking for love in the wrong place.

"I think it's just like an opposites attract kind of thing. I don't know that all good girls are only attracted to all bad boys, I think everyone goes through phases as to what interests them," Swift admits. "I think that in this video, my favorite thing about it is that this girl not only gets sucked into this relationship with him, but she loses who she was before and to her that's the saddest part of losing him is that she can't remember who was she was before she met him."

What do you think of Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble." video? Let us know in the comments.

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