'Jackass 3D' Stars Compare Broken Bones To Van Gogh's Ear

Johnny Knoxville fondly recalls his brushes with death at movie's New York premiere.

Upstairs hung Picasso's "Demoiselles d'Avignon" and Van Gogh's "Starry Night." Downstairs at the Museum of Modern Art, Johnny Knoxville was talking about the time he broke his penis.

Hey, it was a [article id="1649681"]"Jackass"[/article] world on Monday night, and we were just living in it during the red carpet premiere of [movie id="44504"]"Jackass 3D"[/movie] (in theaters Friday). But art was on the mind of the attendees, as director Jeff Tremaine bragged about now officially being artists and co-star Ehren McGhehey referenced Van Gogh's infamous, "Jackass"-worthy stunt of cutting off his ear in 1888.

"There's been talk about me cutting off a body part for a long time, and I decided all I was willing to give up was a tooth," Danger Ehren laughed to MTV News, showing off the gap in his mouth.

Knoxville himself has sacrificed life and limb over the course of three movies and his MTV series. But no stunt was more painful than the time he hopped on a motorcycle with an eye toward pulling a flip.

"I broke my penis trying to back-flip a motorcycle," he told us. "That was over three years ago, and I'm still cathetering twice a day."

At least he's still alive. Knoxville admitted that he almost departed this mortal coil after a rocket blew up during "Jackass Number Two" and that while shooting the newest flick, he had a nasty run-in with a bull. "In this movie, the only thing that broke my fall in one scene was the back of my neck. I did a complete 360 after a bull hit me, and I landed on my neck," he said.

McGhehey, too, has suffered through his fair share of stunt-related injuries. But like the rest of their cohorts, they shrug off the pain and focus on the sheer ridiculousness of their days jobs.

"I've had 16 surgeries, but I don't regret any one of them," McGhehey said. "It's nice to know what I'm doing in 'Jackass' will live forever. I'm won't live forever, but I just want to make people laugh and have a good time."

Check out everything we've got on "Jackass 3D."

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