Britney Spears' 'Circus' Now Available For Streaming On Imeem

Since being posted on Monday, the 13-track album has already drawn nearly 80,000 views on the free Web site.

Remember when [artist id="501686"]Britney Spears[/artist] released Blackout and didn't really promote it very much, so the whole thing kind of seemed like a big, open secret? Well, with her personal life falling back into order, Spears is going full-throttle this time with promotion of [article id="1599860"]Circus.[/article]

Less than a week after the album leaked online, Spears has teamed with to stream the entire CD online in advance of its December 2 release date. At press time, the site -- which has also been streaming the new albums from [artist id="1230523"]Kanye West[/artist], [artist id="846"]Guns N' Roses[/artist], [artist id="960856"]Linkin Park[/artist] and the [artist id="1244299"]Killers[/artist] -- has already drawn nearly 80,000 views on the Spears page since posting Circus on Monday morning.

And of course, Spears' always vocal fans have weighed in on what they think of the 13-track album, leaving comments in the imeem page such as, "Go Brit! Show them what u got," "She's back," "Oh wow I so love it," and "Oh my god she's back. Yehey I love Britney."

The streaming is part of a blitz of Brit-related events being unrolled to support the album, including a [article id="1600033"]contest next Monday in Times Square[/article], in which the biggest Britney fan will get a chance to see the singer's birthday performance on "Good Morning America" on December 2, and this Sunday's documentary on MTV, [article id="1600006"]"Britney Spears: For the Record."[/article]

Spears is on the cover of the upcoming issue of Rolling Stone and is on her way to Europe, where she'll appear on the French show "Star Academy," then do time on "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell's British show "X Factor" before heading back to the U.S. She is also expected to [article id="1598046"]tour in support of the album in 2009[/article].

Getting pumped about the Britney Spears documentary? Share your thoughts by uploading a video to, or sound off in the comments section below. "For the Record" airs Sunday at 10 p.m. ET on MTV.

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