'High School Musical 3' Named Most Likely To Succeed At Box Office

'Saw' series becomes highest-grossing horror franchise in history with release of fifth installment.

Box-Office Top Five

#1 "High School Musical 3: Senior Year" ($42 million)

#2 "Saw V" ($30.5 million)

#3 "Max Payne" ($7.6 million)

#4 "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" ($6.9 million)

#5 "Pride and Glory" ($6.3 million)

"High School Musical 3: Senior Year" was voted Most Likely to Succeed by audience members this weekend, winning the box office with a hefty $42 million. In doing so, the third entry in Disney's wildly popular song-and-dance series (and the last starring mainstays [article id="1597661"]Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale[/article], et al) scored the best-ever opening for a musical.

From one genre to the next, records were also broken this weekend in horror with a second-place finish and $30.5 million for "Saw V," which pushed the series past "Friday the 13th" as the highest-grossing horror franchise in history.

Mark Wahlberg's [article id="1597154"]"Max Payne"[/article] fell 56 percent in its second week, falling to third place with $7.6 million. The [article id="1597279"]video game adaptation[/article] has now made $29.7 million overall. Say hi to your mother for me.

Rounding out the top five, "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" and "Pride and Glory" came in fourth and fifth place respectively. With $6.9 million, "Chihuahua" has now made $78.1 million in four weeks. "Pride and Glory," which made $6.3 million, was in its first week of release.

In limited release, Clint Eastwood's [article id="1596434"]"Changeling,"[/article] starring Angelina Jolie, and Charlie Kaufman's "Synecdoche, New York" had auspicious per-theater averages, boding well for future wide expansion.

Upcoming Releases

Kevin Smith's newest "Zack and Miri Make a Porno," starring Elizabeth Banks and Seth Rogen, opens wide, while "Changeling" expands. Also opening, Guy Ritchie's "RocknRolla."

Check out everything we've got on "High School Musical 3: Senior Year," "Saw V" and "Max Payne."

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