JC Chasez, Sophia Bush, Others Wish Britney Well On Her Pregnancy

Hollywood luminaries react to Tuesday's big news and brainstorm about shower ideas.

Now that the word is out, how is Hollywood reacting to news that Britney Spears is officially a mom-to-be? Many Tinseltown luminaries attending Details magazine's Next Big Things red carpet on Tuesday night were abuzz about the impending birth.

Most notably, JC Chasez, a fellow former Mouseketeer and bandmate of her ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake, couldn't be happier for Spears (see [article id="1500021"]"It's Official: Britney's Pregnant"[/article]).

"Everybody should be happy for her," Chasez said. "You know, it's a miracle, bringing a new life into the world. She's a married woman, and she and her husband decided they wanted to have a child, and do you know what? Her heart is as big as her whole body, and that child will be loved from the top of its head to the bottom of its feet. And she's had a great mother as a role model."

"Hey, she's doing it right," said actress Joy Bryant, who plays 50 Cent's love interest in his upcoming film. "She's married, and it's nice not to have kids out of wedlock. And she always wanted to be a mom."

"Good for her," said Sophia Bush of "One Tree Hill." "If she's ready, and they're ready, none of us are going to really ever know what goes on in their house and their relationship, so more power to her."

No one seemed to have any doubts that Spears would make a good mom, or as actor Matt Long (who plays Jack McCallister on "Jack & Bobby") put it, "I would hope so, for the child's sake."

But there was a bigger question looming: What do you get for the expecting pop star who has everything?

"I'm sure Britney could get anything she wanted, so it would be hard to go to her baby shower," said actress Kaley Cuoco of "8 Simple Rules." "You wouldn't know what the heck to get her."

"I can't pick one gift for people," Bush said. "I end up buying half the baby store and bringing boxes to the showers, so I don't know if I could select anything."

How about the fail-safe and always cute selection of baby shoes?

"I think I would probably get, like, baby Minnetonka boots," Bryant said.

"You know, my cousin just got pregnant, and I got her baby Uggs," Cuoco concurred. "I thought it was the cutest thing in the world. So I'd get her baby Uggs."

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