Madonna Draws Praise From Leader Of Previously Critical Hindu Group

Madonna got a reprieve on Wednesday from the Vice President of the World Vaishnava Association, Swami B. V. Tripurari, who issued a statement in response to some criticism dished out against her by other WVA members. As we previously reported (see [article id="1431594"]"Madonna's VMA Performance Draws Ire Of Hindu Organization"[/article]), a spokesperson for the Hindu organization claimed that Madonna's performance of "Ray of Light" at last week's Video Music Awards was insulting because she wore the Hindi mark of chastity, harmony, and purity on her head, while simulating a sex act and wearing a see-through tank top. The swami, on the other hand, says in a statement that, "the Hindu community and Eastern spiritual seekers the world over should be happy for Madonna personally in terms of her genuine interest in enlightened life, and grateful to her for her sincere efforts to attract others to the same." The swami and author, along with his publisher, Mandala

Publishing Group, gave permission to Madonna to use an image from one if its spiritual texts in the backdrop to her VMA set.

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