Our Lady Peace Is Overjoyed With "Happiness"

Our Lady Peace released its third album on Tuesday, the rather cryptically titled "Happiness... Is Not A Fish That You Can Catch.

The Toronto band, which scored with "Superman's Dead" off its 1997 LP "Clumsy," already has a radio hit on hand with "One Man Army," the first single off "Happiness." As lead singer Raine Maida and drummer Jeremy Taggart told MTV News' Serena Altschul at Woodstock '99 in July, they're very happy indeed with the new album.

[article id="1442189"] "This is our third record, but I feel like its our first, really,"[/article] Maida told Altschul. [article id="1442189"]"This is like a new beginning for us for some reason. Jeremy is friends with an old drummer named Elvin Jones, an old jazz guy who played with, like, Coltrane and Miles Davis, and we had him play on it. A friend of ours from Boston, he plays in the Blue Man Group --"[/article]

[article id="1442189"]"He plays the characters 'Zeke' and

'Zither,'"[/article] Taggart offered.

[article id="1442189"]"He's touring with us now," Maida continued, "and plays on our record as well, and so it's, like, evolved so much. There's so much depth, and the sounds are so different now. We really tried to create our own sound and focus in on who we are." [RealVideo][/article]

Our Lady Peace is currently on the road with Creed, and the caravan hits New York City on Thursday and Friday. The new album is in stores now.

-- Kara Manning

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