Facial Hair And Felons: Here's What Happened On The 'MTV Floribama Shore' Season Premiere

For starters, the clan has swapped PCB for St. Pete

In typical MTV Floribama Shore fashion, the chi chis (and drama) are up, but aside from that, quite a bit has changed since last summer when it comes to these saucy Southerners.

The biggest difference noted on the season premiere? The roommates have swapped Panama City Beach for the blue waters and dive bars of St. Pete Beach. "We love PCB so much, we're going to take a break from it," shared Nilsa on their move further south.

2 gus st pete baby

Not much has changed for Nilly -- she still spends "a lot of money" on her face and eats her weight in pizza -- but as for her best friend Aimee? Our favorite Princess Goddess Mermaid is a bona fide anger management graduate (she completed eight whole hours, y'all) and has a cookie-eatin' felon boyfriend with a johnson as big as his record.

Aimee has also found herself in the middle of a friend-slash-roommate triangle with Nilsa and Candace, whom she's grown closer with over the last year. (More on that feud another day.) Speaking of, Codi is still rocking guy lights and major "heart eyes" for the feisty Memphis native; maybe his new mustache will finally win her over this summer?

As for Kortni, the wild PCB local is still breaking out into splits in public, but she's found herself with a military boyfriend and a whole handful's worth of booty. Time will tell if she'll stick to peeing in toilets.

Let's hope Jeremiah will start puking in toilets, as the resident father of the house is partying more and taking to the streets to vomit, though his dad jokes and tourist T-shirts remain.

Jeremiah and Codi are single, but a freshly shaved and shirtless Gus has wifed up with a "cute as all get-out" younger gal named Lisa -- though maybe not for long based on his recent body-shot shenanigans that, um, don't involve Lisa. Could Gilsa make a comeback this summer?

What did you think of the season premiere? Voice your take in the comments and catch the crazy Floribama fam in action every Thursday at 8/7c.

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