The Next Step: Should 'Teen Mom 2''s Briana Introduce John To Her Family?

Her new boyfriend has yet to meet the most important ladies in her life

Briana has said a few times thus far on Teen Mom 2 that she’s taking things slow with her boyfriend John. The Florida gal and her long-distance beau have been together for a while now, but he has yet to meet her mom and daughters (not even through FaceTime).

And when the topic came up on this week’s episode, Bri seemed just about ready to have him meet Roxanne, Nova and Stella.

“I want them to meet just to get it over with because that would be our next step, technically,” she told BFF Shirley before her visit to New York to celebrate John’s birthday. “But I want it to be done the right way. I don’t want it to be forced.”

Later, during their dinner date in NYC, the lovebirds discussed how they both like the pace at which they’re moving, and Bri said interacting with her family would come next for them.

“Are you ready for that?” John asked.


“I think it would be okay,” Bri said, before warning her beau that her mama is “going to protect me, and she speaks her mind.” Well, Devoin and Luis (and Javi) know that to be true…

Now that they’re in a great place, is it the right time for John to meet the ladies in Briana’s life? Do you think Roxy will approve of her daughter’s new beau? Tell us what you think, then keep watching Teen Mom 2 Mondays at 9/8c.

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