So Zayn Malik Has Completely Shaved His Head

Can we start calling him Mr. Clean now y/n

It turns out that no weekend full of family bonding for Zayn Malik is complete without a drastic transformation — or, at the very least, a new hairdo, 'cause buddy has gone bald.

In addition to the sweet photo she posted of herself with Zayn, his girlfriend, Gigi Hadid, and her mother, Yolanda, Zayn's mum, Trisha, has shared another picture of her chilling with Zayn and Gigi — except this time all of the hair on the top of his whole damn head has disappeared.

You know Mr. Clean, the brawny guy in the pristine white tee that stares out at you from the shelf in the household products aisle? YUP. HE KINDA LOOKS LIKE THAT. (The key differences: Mr. Clean has a ring in his ear, not his nose; Mr. Clean isn't covered in tattoos; Mr. Clean is, well, old; Mr. Clean is also a cartoon and not an actual human.)

Zayn has a new something (that he dropped hints about at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards) coming out on September 7, so maybe he's just trying to change things up from the look he rocked for the mysterious clip. Called "Dusk Till Dawn" and featuring Sia, the visual also involves Jemima Kirke (a/k/a/ Jessa from Girls), dynamite, and Zayn — with short, bleached hair — peeling out for what appears to be one mysterious ride.

Either way: ZAYN IS BALD NOW, and he has new music coming, from the look of it, and both of these things are important.

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