Gal Gadot Is An IRL 'Wonder Woman' For Filming While 5 Months Pregnant

Females are strong as hell

There's a lot to admire about Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot. She served in the Israeli army. She wore $50 flats on the red carpet because they were more comfortable. She once referred to SpongeBob as BobSponge. Oh, and she did reshoots for Wonder Woman while five months pregnant with her second daughter, Maya.

In April, Gadot explained how the visual-effects team worked wonders to hide her growing baby bump beneath Diana's Amazonian armor when she returned to the battlefield for reshoots. Basically, they covered her bump with green-screen fabric that could be digitally altered in post-production. "On close-up I looked very much like Wonder Woman," Gadot told EW. "On wide shots I looked very funny, like Wonder Woman pregnant with Kermit the Frog."

Now that's an interesting crossover idea.

Director Patty Jenkins praised Gadot's superhuman work ethic, telling EW, "There are so many things we asked her to do: Now do it on one foot. Now shout while you're doing it. Now it's raining in the freezing cold and you've lost your voice, go. Everyday it was a hilarious gauntlet and she would do it."

Warner Bros.

Wonder Woman

In her June 2017 cover story for Marie Claire, Gadot opened up about hiding the very early stages of her pregnancy while filming. She would vomit "discreetly in corners" and power through her "hormone-induced migraines." According to the magazine, Gadot feared "advertising anything that could be considered weakness."

"I gutted it out," she said. "I started to come to set with sunglasses. I had this jug of water with huge pieces of ginger. One of the producers kept on asking, 'Why are you drinking that potato water?'"

Gadot's daughter Maya was born in March, and her part in Wonder Woman not only earned her the title of honorary Amazonian warrior, but it also supplied some acting cred. Not bad for five months in the womb.

"It's nice to look at the movie and know that Maya is in the movie with me in some way. I love that," Gadot told The Mirror. "She has an entry on movie database IMDb. It took me years to get mine."

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