'Teen Wolf' Regression: Is Malia Becoming 100% Werecoyote Again (Growling Included)?

The BHHS senior is less student and more 'animal'

While Scott and Lydia were grappling with their shoddy, Stiles-less memories on last week's Teen Wolf, Malia was battling her own set of supernatural demons.

The werecoyote appeared to be regressing to her former — and significantly less human — state. Following an evening rendezvous with a hunky lacrosse player, Malia insisted on being the large spoon during their postcoital cuddlefest — a move stereotypically reserved for the guy. And speaking of romance, it seems the Stalia ship has sailed into the sunset.

Malia later found herself snoozing on the floor of her bedroom in a makeshift coyote den, reminiscent of those eight years spent roaming the woods as a savage animal — before Scott and Stiles invested their time and energy converting her into a fully functioning high school student.

The BHHS senior has worked so hard to make up for that lost time living as a wild creature, honing her social skills and studying for anything and everything like it's nobody's business. So to see her struggling in school yet again is heartbreaking.

Not only that, but Malia is clearly losing control of her supernatural powers, instinctively growling at anyone who dares cross her path or dole out a D-minus and also feeling the need to strap herself down in chains for fear of wreaking havoc on the general public.

But from where is this major lifestyle change stemming? The end of Season 5 saw Malia going head to head with her own flesh and blood, the Desert Wolf, finally stealing the vindictive bitch's power using Belasko's shiny blue talons. (A truly necessary move, seeing as the Desert Wolf would have otherwise taken her daughter down in a heartbeat.)

Could this excess power be the reason behind Malia's loss of control? If so, someone needs to teach her how to handle it, stat. Post your theories and catch an all-new Teen Wolf episode Tuesday at 9/8c!

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