The Chainsmokers Are Straight-Up Rude About Lady Gaga And Rihanna

Siqq burns, brahhhhs

If you come at Mother Monster and the Commander of the Navy, you best not miss — but that's exactly what The Chainsmokers did with some quick, cutting comments on Lady Gaga and Rihanna.

In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Alex Pall and Drew Taggart open up about the crazy successful year they've had thanks to their hit single "Closer," and some memorable performances are highlighted, too (cough). In the piece, they hit the studio with Chris Martin and freak out about it; they casually namedrop Bono and boast about "brain-raping" (ugh) Calvin Harris by grilling him with questions, and talk about how they hope the connection their fans have with their music outlasts the impermanent shine of fame.

And THEN they had to go and bash "Perfect Illusion."

Asked for their opinion on the first single off Gaga's new album, Joanne, Alex is quick and harsh: "It sucks." Drew is more forgiving, sorta? "She's a great artist — like, Jeff Koons made a sculpture of her..." Alex agreed, and made sure to point out that "a lot of talented people worked on that song. But..." Yeah. Let that sink in: They hate "Perfect Illusion," fine, but they just reduced Gaga to someone who should be respected because a major player in the contemporary art world knows who she is, and "a lot of talented people" collaborate with her.

As for Rihanna, they reached out to her to see if she'd sing on "Don't Let Me Down," but she did just that and declined the collaboration. They didn't mind, though, as they went with Daya, an up-and-coming vocalist, and "because young unknown artists have this hunger — they're willing to work really hard." And Ri isn't? Okay.

They have some kinder words for other pop greats, though, and make a point to praise Beyoncé's and Kanye's live shows, saying they hope to create a concert experience that's "talked about and respected" as much as theirs are.

So maybe just stick to beats and taking long walks off short stage platforms, guys.

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