'I Used To Be Fat' Fans Share Their Own Before And After Pics

Last week we posted a call on the "I Used To Be Fat" Facebook page asking fans of the show to share their own inspiring weight loss stories, and immediately we were flooded with some incredible responses. Here are two of our favorites, along with the jaw-dropping before and after pics!


"It seems like it wasn't all that long ago that I was just another couch potato who had no idea what she was shoveling into her mouth out of boredom or stress. That was probably just what I was doing the night I realized it was time for a change. Flipping through the channels on my television, I came across one of MTV's newest shows called "I Used to be Fat." I was hooked from that moment on. Seeing this young girl, Gabby, struggling with weight problems most of her life and then finally taking charge of herself and pushing every day to eat healthy and exercise as much as possible was just so inspiring to me. Every little thing she said and did was something I too had felt in my life at some point. Right on down to constantly butting heads with her mother! lol. Seeing how much success she had, by the end of the episode I was so pumped..."

Read Jennifer's entire story


"Last Christmas, while sitting in my friend's living room, I saw my first episode of "IUTBF." The truth is that a few of us were reminiscing and not watching TV at all, but simply had it on as "background music." I don't think either one of them had a clue as to what was happening on the television screen, but I couldn't ignore this young girl eating corn dogs on a couch while claiming that she was going to lose something close to a hundred pounds. I instantly had a connection with this girl, who claimed to feel pretty miserable, but wanted to make a change. I connected with her desire to make a change, even if the change seemed impossible, as I was experiencing myself at both my largest and lowest points in life.

At that time I was a nun. Yes, I said it, a nun, and I knew it was everything that I was not supposed to be doing, but I was STUCK. I was completely unhappy with where I had ended up and had just made the announcement that I was prepared to make small steps into reclaiming my own life. While my friends were talking about all of the latest gossip and some of our greatest memories, my focus was still on this girl who was claiming the seemingly impossible. As the show progressed my friends realized that I was listening to little of what they were saying, and everything about "IUTBF," so they turned up the television and watched it with me. Needless to say, I was absolutely flabbergasted when she proved me wrong and met her goal. I think there was actually about a five-minute period of absolute shock from my end, as thoughts of failure and achievement started swirling through my mind. I was left with a million different questions that day, but they all boiled down to 1. When did I let myself focus on failure more than success? 2. What was I going to do about it?"...

Read Ashley's entire story

+ Got your own story to share? Tell us in the comments!

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