'Teen Wolf' WTF: Why Is The Desert Wolf So Determined To Kill Malia?

The werecoyote's mom is absolutely up to no good.

We finally have a face with the name, and let us tell you -- this desert broad is one fierce, unapologetic she-bitch.

On tonight's "Teen Wolf," Dr. Deaton stumbled upon the werecoyote's mom while lurking around the Dread Doctors' (former?) lair, where she immediately shot the doctor's partner-in-crime... for no apparent reason, other than to hammer home the fact that she means business. By the way, our hearts seriously skipped a beat when Deaton removed his gas mask and, for a split second, we wondered if he was in cahoots with the Dreads! Just us? Wait. IS THE DESERT WOLF IN CAHOOTS WITH THE DREADS? So many questions!

DW-2 (2)

Anyway, the veterinarian-slash-supernatural-expert thinks a mysterious (and rather large) tooth may have all the answers, but that doesn't really do him any good when the Desert Wolf has him shackled to a chair in an abandoned nuclear plant. The villain heard a rumor that her daughter isn't dead -- hello, Captain Obvious! -- and thank goodness, Dr. Deaton played dumb 'cause DW has it out to kill Malia! "If she is still alive, I'm just going to have to kill her again," she spat. What kind of evil murders her own spawn? And what on Earth is DW's motive?

Comment with your theories (please, we're dying here!) and check back with MTV News later this week for further musings on tonight's nail-biting episode!

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