'Pretty Little Liars' Villain Says Rhys Matthews' Master Plan Will Be Revealed In The Finale

Mr. Matthews will see you now.

To quote one of our fave Taylor Swift songs, we knew Rhys Matthews was trouble when he walked in. The Christian Grey wannabe wouldn't give Hanna and Spencer a straight answer to any of their questions -- which isn't too unusual for "Pretty Little Liars," TBH -- and he was totally caught doing something shady at the DiLaurentis home in the penultimate episode of the season.

So what is this guy's deal? Sure, he looks like a DiLaurentis, but could he actually be Charles? All will be revealed in the season finale of "Pretty Little Liars" this Tuesday night, but we obviously can't wait that long. So, MTV News went straight to the dubious source, Caleb Lane, to get the scoop.

The model-turned-actor dished on everything from the mysterious nature of the Carissimi Group to bing-watching "PLL" in a week (now that's serious dedication!) and actually being confused for Drew Van Acker (Jason DiLaurentis) on set. Here what Lane had to say about playing the show's latest bad boy:

MTV News: I imagine the "PLL" set is highly secretive. When you walked onto set, did you get any secrets out of anybody?

Caleb Lane: No, actually! They’re so tight-lipped on set. At the end of the shoot day we have to turn our [script] sides back in, and there's someone who has that specific job to make sure the sides are accounted for. And if you lose them, it's like a big deal. Because they don't even want little things getting out. So sadly, I don't have any secrets.

ABC Family

Pretty Little Liars - Reese

Rhys Matthews makes his mysterious debut on "Pretty Little Liars."

MTV: What I love about this character too is it’s been referenced a few times about how much Rhys obviously looks exactly like a DiLaurentis and looks exactly like Jason. Have you met Drew Van Acker on set yet?

Lane: I’ve actually met everyone else but Drew, which is funny because the first episode I shot, I had just wrapped and I was coming outside and Lucy Hale [Aria] was across the way with Titus [Makin Jr.], who is playing Clark, and they were walking in the studio to shoot their scene and Lucy was like, "Hey, Drew!" I took my glasses off and she was like, "Oh my god. That is insane." So it actually happened off set too. Still haven't met Drew though.

MTV: When you auditioned, was that something that they said, that they were looking for someone who looked exactly like this character?

ABC Family

Drew Van Acker

This is Drew Van Acker, not Caleb Lane, just FYI.

Lane: Honestly, I didn't know anything about the character on that audition because I auditioned to play Clark, Titus' character. And I went in to read the first scene that he's introduced, where he's talking to Lucy about her photography and how she should put it out there. So that was the material that we used, and they called my manager and said, "He's not this guy, but we have a role coming up." That happens a lot in Hollywood, where you audition for things, you get really close and they're like, "Oh he's great, but he's not this guy, and we have this thing coming up." And you just never hear from them again. So I thought it was gonna be one of these things, and they actually came back with Rhys and just offered it to me.

I didn't have to audition. I don’t think they auditioned anybody. And they just said, "You're the guy." So I didn’t know really what to expect, and when I showed up on set, the only direction I got was just play Christian Grey. They were like, "We just want you to be Christian Grey." So I was like, "Okay, I can do that. I definitely have a sadistic side, so I'll find that." It was a lot of fun.

MTV: Did you draw any inspiration from Jamie Dornan's performance in "Fifty Shades of Grey?" Or did you read the book to prepare?

Lane: Not really. First of all, from the costume that they gave me -- the three piece suit -- and the chic office, I knew who this guy was. Once I sat down in the chair and actually had the suit on and the girls were there in front of me, it just happened. The writers' did a great job with this character. Rhys was playing everything really close to the chest, he wasn’t giving any information, and he knew why they were there. It's just kind of a game. And I'd been really familiar with what Christian Grey was. I'd never read the books or seen the movie, but I know that type. I had been in fashion for 10 years, so I knew how to wear that suit and talk a certain way. It was a lot of fun. I kind of come in and lie and make things up and then disappear out the door. I would like some more characters like this guy -- I love villains.

ABC Family

Pretty Little Liars finale

The PLLs come #fAcetoface with A in the season finale of "Pretty Little Liars" on Tuesday, August 11.

MTV: Rhys showed up at the DiLaurentis home in last week's episode, which I think was very questionable. In the finale, will we finally know what Rhys' connection to the DiLaurentis family is?

Lane: It will be revealed in some sort of expository way, for sure. It all comes together in that finale.

MTV: As for the Carissimi Group, will we know what the true nature of that group is, whether they're helping the Liars or working for A?

Lane: Absolutely. There is a tie to Mrs. DiLaurentis, so it will be interesting to see how that all comes together. I hope it will be a big reveal for fans.

MTV: Obviously, the central mystery of the show is "Who is A," it’s all coming to an end with the season finale. Did they tell you anything on set about A's identity?

Lane: No, honestly, they don’t tell us anything. I don't think anybody knows. The girls know because they've filmed it, and they're in the inner core of the "Pretty Little Liars" world. But I'm just coming in at the end, so there was no way they were telling me. It'll be interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing who it is.

MTV: I don't know how much you knew about "PLL" before signing on, but have you now become invested in this whole mystery?

Lane: Oh, absolutely. It's just incredible what they've been able to create and what that show has done for the network and how long it's been going. They've been so creative with their twists. When I got to audition, I went back and watched most of the series on Netflix to get caught up, and I actually really got into it. I was binge-watching it over a week-long period.

ABC Family

Who is A?!

MTV: Do you have any theories about who A is?

Lane: I don't have any solid theories. I think it's hard when you go on set and you actually film it, to step outside of that a little bubble once you've seen the cameras. I don’t know what's in Oliver [Goldstick] and Marlene's [King] brains, to be honest. The nature of the show is to keep people on their toes and to always be speculating this and that. I thought for a while that it might have been Andrew, and I know there’s a lot of talk about Wren, but who knows. I think it's gonna be something that nobody has thought of or nobody can see coming, to be honest.

MTV: Well, it's nice to see you're just as confused about all of this as we are! Finally, I know you've been friends with Channing Tatum for the past decade, and I'm sure you've seen "Magic Mike XXL" by now. So I have to know, red velvet or cookies?

Lane: I’m a cookie person, like Mike. There's this oatmeal raisin cookie that's made locally, here in Costa Mesa, and I eat way too many of them. They're these amazing vegan cookies -- and I'm not even vegan.

MTV: Who's a better dance: Caleb Lane or Mike Lane?

Lane: Mike Lane, for sure. That's no question. I'm a martial artist, and I've taught Channing martial arts and he's tried to show me some dance moves -- and he's definitely a better martial artist than I am a dancer.

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