Justin Bieber Wants To Work With John Mayer... And Get A Tramp Stamp?!

He's kidding... we think.

No one can compete with Justin Bieber when it comes to the smoldering stare... no one.

I mean, just look at this video, and you will be mesmerized.

Cosmopolitan teased Justin's shirtless spread with a steamy, behind-the-scenes clip, which shows the Biebs working hard in the gym. But it's not just the pictures that are getting a lot of attention; it's what Justin says inside the magazine as well.

The singer, who is releasing his new single, "What Do You Mean," at the end of the month, was asked to reveal 20 new facts about himself in a questionnaire -- his first legal drink (beer), his biggest fear (spiders), his most embarrassing moment (running into glass) -- and some of his responses may even surprise his biggest Beliebers.

Like, did you know that his next tattoo may be a "tramp stamp"?! We think he's kidding since he added a "LOL" after that -- at least we hope he is. Oh, and in case you were wondering, his favorite tattoo is his owl.

Just also admitted that he loves watching "Scandal" (me too!) and being able to hold his breath under water for two minutes, which is pretty impressive.

Of course they had to throw in some music questions in the mix -- Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" is his ultimate song of the summer, and his go-to karaoke jam is "Let It Be" -- and when asked who he really wants to collaborate with next, Justin surprisingly named John Mayer. Justin seems to be going a more EDM route with his music, but if he wants to slow it down again, just like he did on "Home To Mama" with Cody Simpson, John would be the perfect collaborator.

Being that it is Cosmo, they also needed to know some details on how he feels about women, and he's learned that "they are complicated." But that's not all -- he also revealed what kind of style he likes to see on a girl, so if you want to get Justin's attention, take note. If you have gladiator sandals, throw them out, Justin "hates" them. Instead run out and get yourself some booty shorts because that's his thing. Also, have a great attitude, because that is what makes a woman most sexy.

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