Is This GoPro 'Bear Attack' Fake, Awesome, Or Fake AND Awesome?

Redditors myth-bust a viral video of a cyclist on the run, but it's still crazy to watch.

The invention of the GoPro camera has led to some pretty thrilling YouTube videos, and for a moment we thought this footage of a bear sprinting after a guy on a bicycle was one of them. As the rider darts through the woods on his mountain bike, every few seconds he turns around for a flash of a giant bear on the attack:

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It was just the bit of heart-stopping, real-life action we needed to wake us up from our Thanksgiving food coma. ("It was a usual day, I decided tо cycle in the forest and to record my walk on the Gopro," explains the uploader. "Thanks God, I left alive due to the shots that thundered not far from that location!")

Unfortunately, the internet agrees, it's a FRAUD.

Watch the video again. That bear seems awfully bright and crisp compared to the surroundings, doesn't it? Just to be sure, some enterprising Redditors took screenshots showing that the bear is the only thing in the video that doesn't suffer from motion blur. Behold:

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You may find this hard to believe, but not everything on the internet is real. And yet, as Redditor BashfulArtichoke puts it:

"Regardless of the authenticity, I enjoyed this video. ... It was a compelling and clever use of a GoPro. You can't expect the average filmmaker to have a Hollywood CGI budget. That bear looked absolutely fantastic considering an amateur budget. Thanks for posting [this], it was a great find."

And besides, we're always looking for another reason to be terrified of the woods.

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