From The Biggest Bawse To #RossFit: A Timeline of Rick Ross' Transformation

Here's how the #HoodBillionaire slimmed down.

Thanks to a new diet (shout out to all the pear!), Rick Ross is looking slimmer than ever. He’s gone from The Biggest Bawse to #RossFit right before our eyes.

So, just how drastic has the #HoodBillionaire's transformation been? You can get a glimpse into the powerful #RossFit changes just by looking back at The Bawse's career. As Ross’ good friend DJ Khaled might put it, Rozay has changed… a lot.

Rick Ross Really Was The Biggest Bawse And He Wasn’t Embarrassed

Rick Ross/Vevo

Rawse Relaxing

Check Ross out in the 2009 music video for “Mafia Music.” He embodied that Kendrick Lamar line about never getting embarrassed. He wasn’t ashamed of his physique. Instead, he embraced it. He was the biggest boss (at the time) and he wasn’t afraid to show it. Relaxed and rotund, Ross really reveled in his charm back then, didn’t he?

Ross Showed Off Athleticism Even In His Larger Days

Rick Ross/Vevo

Rick Ross

Sure, Ross was a large man when he filmed the 2009 music video for "Speedin'" with R. Kelly. But that didn't stop him from showing off his incredible athleticism. Remember this awesome moment in rapper acrobatics? Ross ran from the cops like a larger Usain Bolt and then jumped like an Olympic diver... almost. Check the splash! Looks like we caught some early signs of the #RossFit athlete in the making here.

The Bawse Ate Delicious #Cereal Before "The Pear"


RossFit Cereal

When Meek Mill asked Rick Ross to be a part of his 2011 "Don't Panic" music video, Rozay might not have been worried about a cheat day from his strict fruit diet just yet. Or maybe he always knew how to pick healthy cereal like a champ. That would explain the awesome cereal eating going on here. With the feds looking angry in the video, Ross nonchalantly enjoys a bowl of cereal... like a Bawse. Eventually, a healthy #cereal break would become a part of the #RossFit diet, too. Ah, the signs were there all along.

Rozay's Health Scare Put Things In Perspective

Lil Wayne/YouTube

Ross Wheelchair

In 2011, Rick Ross's health concerns scared us after the rapper suffered multiple seizures. In the 2011 video for Lil Wayne's "John," Ross sat in a wheelchair, a scary image for us, of course. While the director Colin Tilley told us that there was no specific reason for having Ross in a wheelchair, the visual was a strong reminder that Rozay's health should become a priority because we need The Bawse in all his glory.

You Couldn't Hold Rick Ross Back In 2012

Rick Ross/Vevo

Ross Not Holding Back

Rick Ross really had no chill in the video for 2012's "Hold Me Back." The Shirtless Bawse shined yet again, wildin' out with all of the emotion in the world. The song also lends insight about the MC's eating habits. "Everything went well, I'm eating steak, no more soup," he rhymes. Can't really blame Ross for enjoying the splendor of the come-up.

The Mastermind Introduces Us To #RossFit



The world wasn't ready for this. During his May 2014 interview with TimWestwoodTV, Ross let the world know about the importance of eating fruit "and sh-- like that," emphasizing the nutritious benefits found in pears. Oh, the memes followed, but Ross was actually serious and we can see his improved health now more than ever. Shout out to all the pear, indeed.

Ross Teaches Us How To Lift



Okay, so Rozay's having fun with this whole #RossFit thing. But can you blame him? He's in the best shape of his life and he's just teaching us how to lift. Want bigger biceps? Step your chain game up.

The #HoodBillionaire Runs To Get #RossFit


Ross Running

A lot has been made about pears and #RossFit, but in reality, the rapper really has been working on his fitness. It's not just about the memes here. In the 2014 video for "Drug Dealer's Dream," Ross shows us just how much work he's putting in. Check Rozay out, still shirtless, but much slimmer and he's running in the sand. That's a true #RossFit workout.

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