Blake Lively Left An Adorable Tiny Ponytail After Cutting Ryan Reynolds' Hair

Now she's mercilessly roasting him over it

Since Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have been staying home like the rest of us, that means they haven't been keeping their hair, shall we say, red carpet ready.

It's hard to get out and see a hairdresser when you can't leave your home (and nonessential business are closed during the novel coronavirus pandemic, anyway). So what did Lively do? She gave her husband an at-home haircut, like any awesome wife would.

Back at the beginning of the month (around April 2), Reynolds announced that Lively would be giving him an at-home haircut.

"She's done this once before," Reynolds said of his impending cut at the time. "It took two and a half hours, and then at the end, it looked like she had done the whole thing using only a lighter, or those gloves that are made of sandpaper."

Now that May is right around the corner, Lively is taking the evidence of her handiwork and trolling her husband in the best way she knows how: sharing a tiny tuft of hair she made into a ponytail across the far reaches of the internet.



Lively look to Instagram to post a hilarious photo of her handiwork.

"I dare you to forget this every time you see him for the rest of eternity," she joked. But because Reynolds is the master of trolling himself, he wasn't about to let Lively win there. Especially since this is a pretty side-splitting look for him.



Reynolds posted the image on his own Instagram with a snarky reply.

"Clearly your birth control doesn't work, so..." he wrote, implying that he's far too fine for this photo to affect anyone or how they see him. Obviously it didn't work for Lively, right? The pair have multiple children.

You can always count on these two to come through with some truly funny burns for the other. Reynolds has been known to share photos of Lively looking off-camera or in not-so-flattering positions. Lively will always clap right back with some fun finds of her own.

Obviously it's all love between them, but we can't wait to see what their next tiff involves.

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