Joining Forces: How Did Kam Choose Her 'War Of The Worlds 2' Alliance?

The notorious lone wolf isn't so lonely on Season 34

Kam is known for being a sly Challenge lone wolf (her choice), but the four-time competitor isn't playing War of the Worlds 2 solo.

"I'm a little bit confused with who I'm going to be aligned with. Usually, I'm by myself, so I'm going to have to find some alliances within my big team," the Team U.S. member confessed during tonight's brand-new episode.

13 kam speaker

Shortly after volunteering herself for the coveted Speaker position (after the Americans secured their second consecutive W at the Cryptic Crossbow mission), she "forced" herself to get some numbers in her corner.

"I just want to know if we're targeting the same people -- I think we might be," Kam whispered with Paulie. And he confirmed they were (aka strong girls on Team U.K.).

And with that, the two -- plus Paulie's GF Cara Maria -- formed a unit. So why did she pick the power couple as her priorities?

"Coming in to the game, the only person I knew I would be allied with would be Kayleigh," Kam recently revealed to MTV News. "After seeing the format of the game, looking at my team, I kind of had to do process of elimination. Who was connected to who. Leroy and I weren’t on the best of terms entering the season, so I knew anybody he was associated with I would not be able to work with. So that means Johnny and anybody else that he would be connected to, which was a big chunk of the team. So I realized whoever didn’t like that side, that’s who I’m going to have to come together with. So that ended up being Cara, Paulie, Wes and the other half."

Will Kam's plan work, and is she in a power position? Or will the alliance wind up vulnerable? Keep watching War of the Worlds 2 every Wednesday at 9/8c.

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