New 'Marvel's Runaways' Trailer Unleashes Teen Superhero Angst (And A Dinosaur)

Marvel + teens + superpowers + a freakin' dinosaur

When Marvel Television boss Jeph Loeb first thought of bringing Brian K. Vaughan's seminal comic book series Runaways to life on the small screen, he envisioned it as "The O.C. of the Marvel Universe." Five years later, and with the creators of The O.C. attached as showrunners, Marvel's Runaways is very much the teen soap's spiritual successor — just, you know, with more superpowers.

Don't believe us? Just check out the first full-length trailer for Marvel's Runaways, which features a healthy dose of teenage angst, Purity Ring, and a freaking dinosaur:

The series follows six former friends who must unite against a common enemy: their parents. Every teen thinks their parents are evil, but these kids' parents might actually be evil. The realization of their parents' misdeeds awakens their individual abilities, some supernatural (which you can see in the trailer) and some not.

For example, Gert (Ariela Barer) doesn't have powers but she does have a mental link with her genetically engineered dinosaur, Old Lace. You can check her out in the trailer, too. Surprisingly, the dinosaur is the one with the nose ring.

The first three episodes of Marvel's Runaways will debut on Hulu on November 21. Below, check out the cast and creators of the forthcoming Hulu series talk about the differences between the comic and the show.

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