Sigourney Weaver Is Going Full Parkour For 'Avatar' Sequel(s)


As the return to Pandora looms (again...and again...and again) for James Cameron's four planned Avatar sequels, the hype is building and fans' need for details is mounting.

Unfortunately for those fans, the confirmed cast of the series, including Sigourney Weaver, is extremely good at keeping the details under wraps. While promoting Marvel's The Defenders at San Diego Comic-Con Friday (July 21), Weaver was largely tight-lipped about the upcoming CGI saga(s).

Spoilery reminder: her character died in 2009's Avatar, so we don't even know who she's playing.

What we do know, however, is that she's apparently going to be running up walls and jumping over floating mountains with pizzazz. That's right: Sigourney Weaver does parkour now.

"We are starting, and now we're training for them," she said. "We're learning how to free-dive and we're doing a lot of parkour sort of stuff. It's very cool stuff, and it's a good group."

Filming is rumored to be starting in the fall, though Weaver couldn't confirm whether the sequels will be filmed sequentially or simultaneously.

"We're gearing up," she said.

Avatar 2 is slated to be released December 18, 2020. Marvel's The Defenders premieres on Netflix August 18.

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