Emma Watson Waltzing With A Pre-CGI Beast In A Puffy Suit Will Make You Cry Laughing

Watson truly deserves an Oscar for remaining calm through all of this

Movie magic is truly incredible. It can make books fly and creatures talk. It can transport us to new worlds and enchanting castles. It can even turn a 34-year-old Englishman into a walking (and waltzing) beast. Case in point: Dan Stevens in Beauty and the Beast.

It's no secret that Stevens's live-action Beast was accomplished through an ambitious mix of motion-capture and CGI technology. But some things are better left to the imagination. Unfortunately for Stevens, that's no longer the case. In a newly released behind-the-scenes featurette on the making of the Beast, the actor is seen filming in his Lycra motion-capture suit on stilts — so that costar Emma Watson could act opposite someone who was as tall as the Beast was going to be in the movie — and the internet can't get over it.

To be honest, it is pretty funny. He looks like a gray Stay Puft Marshmallow Man on stilts!

It's not the mo-cap itself that's hilarious here but rather the way Watson, a consummate veteran to the world of visual effects, keeps a straight face through it all. Seriously. Give this girl an Oscar already. And then give one to Stevens, who had to do all of this while raging against the trials of love.

Sorry, Dan, these GIFs will be with me for Evermore.

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