This Rihanna Piñata Is The Baddest Bitch You’ve Ever Seen

She’s not a regular boss she’s a cool boss

Considering everything else she does, it's easy to forget that Rihanna is also the boss to an office full of employees at Fenty Corp., her clothing line. Yes, on top of her collaborations with Dior, Puma, Manolo Blahnik, and others, Rihanna is the baddest boss of her own company.

Yesterday, she was appropriately celebrated for National Boss's Day.

Rih has already proven herself to be a tough boss — last year she shared the very strict and very real employee handbook, which, among other things, didn't allow for sick days — so of course a piñata in her likeness is equally harsh. The punishment for not showing up to appreciate her? Termination.

Clearly she's tough but fair. Consider this my official application to work at Fenty Corp.

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