Forever 21 Wants You To Feel Like Pablo With This Knockoff T-Shirt

Oh, um, this shirt looks familiar

The merch from Kanye West's The Life of Pablo pop-up and Madison Square Garden extravaganza is instantly recognizable — with their gothic font and, y'know, the word "Pablo" printed all over them, the pieces are hard to miss. Now, Forever 21 is getting in on that brand recognition by, um, completely ripping off the design.



Though the shirt lacks the word "Pablo" and is being sold in two colors not offered by Kanye (brick and black), its resemblance is undeniable. I mean, if you saw someone wearing this on the street, chances are you wouldn't realize it says "Simon De Cyrene For The World" across the back instead of Kanye lyrics.

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Kanye West Opens Surprise

While this isn't the first time Kanye has been ripped off — he even included bootleg TLOP merch in his pop-up shop — the whole thing is made even more brazen by the fact that at $32, Forever 21's version of the shirt is only $8 cheaper than the original.

Sure, Kanye's original shirts sold out quickly, but he regularly releases new versions online. So instead of spending $32 on a fake, you may as well just wait for the real thing. You won't regret it.

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