The 'Wizards Of Waverly Place' Movie Has A Surprising Tie-In To The Scariest DCOM Ever

Makeup does wonders

Right now, Disney Channel is in the middle of its 100 Original Movie marathon and has aired 67 of them as of Tuesday (June 7), including Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie, which is basically a magical version of Back to the Future. In the film, a bizarre street magician and former wizard named Archie (Steve Valentine) tries to help the Russo kids fix a big mistake.

But before playing the quirky Archie, Valentine starred in one of the oldest (and scariest) DCOMs back in the '90s: Don't Look Under the Bed. He played none other than the Boogeyman himself, a.k.a. the bro who haunted your nightmares for years.

Yep, this guy...


Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie

...used to be this dude.



Talk about a role reversal. Valentine is almost unrecognizable, thanks to heavy makeup, prosthetics, and a 10-year gap between movies. Plus, Valentine also starred in the DCOMs Avalon High and Teen Beach Movie after Wizards, so he's definitely a DCOM veteran.

Don't Look Under the Bed airs on Disney Channel June 13 at 2:00 a.m. as part of the mega marathon. If you missed Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie's showing on May 28, don't fret. It's available on Netflix Instant right now.

Good luck being able to unsee this, though.



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