Watch Coldplay Become Giants In The Trippy New Video For ‘Up&Up'

Look at these huge dudes

Having exhausted their careers as creepy apes, Coldplay have now become giants big enough to knock the Earth off its axis.

In the new video for “Up&Up,” the U.K. musicians tower hundreds of feet in the air as they play their instruments. The visual also stitches together footage of unrelated but somehow coherent images, turning the world into a place where sea turtles can swim through subway stations and race cars go head-to-head around the rings of Saturn.

For their part, Coldplay make the world more magical by being really, really big. Chris Martin sings wistfully while reclining on a spread of midwestern farms and dipping his cruise ship–sized foot into the Pacific Ocean.

Hopefully no one was crushed to death by enormous Brits in the making of this video. Watch below.

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