A First-Timer's Guide To Coachella, By Taylor Swift

If you've ever wondered what it'd be like to hang out with Taylor Swift and, more specifically, what it'd be like to hang out with Taylor Swift at Coachella, you're in luck — baby's first 'Chella was so well-documented on social media that it's easy to imagine you were right there with her.

Here is how to do Coachella, Taylor Swift-style.

Bleach your hair

Then rename the festival "Bleachella," because you, y'know, bleached your hair.

Make it clear you're over flower crowns

Pledge allegiance to another accessory, like chokers, and subtly slight flower crowns whenever you can, especially in Instagram captions.

Hang out with one of your many squads

Coachella is nothing without photos of groups of people wearing sunglasses.

Hang out with a different, smaller squad

If you can be casually sitting by a pool, even better.

Host dance rehearsals

The best way to fill your time when you're not actually watching performances or walking around the desert? Have Camila Cabello teach your friends the "Work From Home" choreography.

Freak out over Rihanna

Even if your boyfriend is sharing the stage with Rihanna, the sight of the baddest gal in the flesh is enough to excite anyone (and everyone).

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