7 Reason ‘Supergirl’ Getting A Full Season Is A Victory For Progressive Television

Supergirl is here to stay.

Things just got a little sunnier, citizens of Earth. CBS has ordered a full-season pick-up for "Supergirl" — aka the only female-led live-action superhero drama currently on network TV. (Props to the almost-qualifying, awesome "Agent Carter," tho.) For those keeping track at home, this means "Supergirl" will get a total of 20 episodes in its first season.

Here are seven reasons why this announcement is totally rad...

So far, the show is really good.


If you've been holding off on watching "Supergirl" until you hear how it's doing — no one likes to starting watching and loving a show that will promptly gets canceled — then consider this the official go-ahead. Not only is "Supergirl" now guaranteed for a full first season, but it has done critically well so far in its run.

Sure, it's campy and silly and sometimes its mission to impart FEMINISM! to the masses can be a little much, but it also happens to be a lot of fun. Melissa Benoist is the most charming TV lead this side of Grant Gustin, and the show has already created an ensemble of compelling characters to support Kara. This isn't something shows always do so early in their runs.

This means more Melissa Benoist.

Melissa Benoist

Have we mentioned that Melissa Benoist is pretty much impervious to all manner of negative reactions? Sunlight streams from her pores and puppies and animated birds follow her every order — not because she commands it of them, but because they want to.

It gets us one step closer to that musical episode this show OBVIOUSLY needs to have.

This cast is hella musically talented. Melissa Benoist starred on "Glee." Jeremy Jordon (Winn) is a frakking Broadway star. And Chyler Leigh (Alex) once performed television surgery while singing. NBD.

It could mean a "The Flash"/"Supergirl" crossover.

The CW

The Flash

Don't freak out yet, but, according to rumors over the weekend, one of the big if-thens in a potential for a flashover between DC television cousins "Supergirl" on CBS and "The Flash" on The CW was a full-season pick-up for the former. OK, now you can start freaking out. A little.

It prioritizes its female relationships.


"Supergirl" also focuses on issues that a majority of other TV shows don't — namely, the relationships between female characters. The sisterly bond between Kara and Alex is at the very heart of this show, as is the complicated dynamic between Kara and boss Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart).

This means more Cat Grant-isms.



Speaking of the badass media mogul, more "Supergirl" means more witty barbs from woman-after-our-own-hearts Cat Grant. Someone tell me that they're collecting these for a Witty Barb of The Day 365-Day Calendar.

Have we mentioned its the only female-led superhero drama on network TV?



Now, this might not be a big deal, if not for the fact that there are currently 465 superhero dramas currently on TV. (OK, I exaggerate. Slightly.)

The truth is: superhero properties are (very slowly) getting more diverse — especially when you take Netflix's "Jessica Jones" and broaden the category to female-led action series — but both TV and film could do MUCH better when it comes to diversity in one of pop culture's hottest genres. Not just when it comes to gender but, you know, in all directions.

"Supergirl" may not be the most progressive show on TV, but it is a step in the right direction for the broad spectrum of people IRL who want to know they, too, can be a superhero.

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