Don't Worry, We Found Each GOP Candidate's Pokemon Soulmate

They wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

As we roll into the second Republican debate, there will no doubt be plenty of discussion of all our favorite issues -- from college debt, foreign policy and institutional racism to religious freedom and reproductive health. It's going to be a heavy night guaranteed to break your twitter feed -- in the good way or bad way.

In our mission to continually give you even more of the pressing facts and hard truths about the 2016 candidates, we're here to show you the Pokemon that most accurately represent the deepest innermost essence of the potential-POTUSes you'll be hearing from tonight. Feel free to picture a fantasy battle during your commercial breaks -- we'll definitely be doing the same.

Marco Rubio - Mudkip.


Do you think Rubio likes Mudkips? Given his love of a nice, satisfying drink (and his perpetually baby-like face) we thought the internet's favorite water type would be the perfect fit.

Rand Paul - Cubone.



Paul is known for two things: His famous parent and his firey 'tude. Not unlike Cubone (who wears its mother's skull), Paul carries his famous dad's legacy and isn't afraid of picking a few fights.

Donald Trump - Primeape.


Like Trump, "Primeape is easily angered," according to Bulbapedia. "Even the slightest glance of eye contact will make it furious." They even have the same hat!

Lindsey Graham - Pidgey.



Graham is a self-described hawk when it comes to foreign policy and Pidgey is the scariest bird-type of image I'm willing to face. (Unrelated: I'm terrified of birds.)

George Pataki - Hitmonchan.


Pataki has never lost an election and is totally a fighter. He and Hitmonchan could chill. But is he primed for this match?

Ted Cruz - Dotrio


I spoke too soon on the scary bird-front! Cruz is no stranger to being called a "wacko-bird" (@ John McCain) and he was happy to own that. Good on him.

Rick Santorum - Psyduck.



Santorum has had his fair share of political missteps (from both his attempted runs) that definitely add up to a Psyduck-level headache. Oof.

Ben Carson - Chansey.



I can't help but think of Nurse Joy's Chansey whenever I think of Carson. In another life, in another time, he'd be in a Pokemon center too.

Mike Huckabee - Koffing.



Considering he's still not too sure about that whole climate change thing -- Koffing seems real appropriate for Huckabee.

Carly Fiorina - Flaffy.



Flaffy and Fiorina have similar taste in pantsuit color-schemes. Fiorina also has a history with sheep and that history is pretty much my only interest in life.

Jeb Bush - Magikarp.


As the establishment candidate in this race with some hxc presidential family ties, Bush had a lot of hype as the candidates started to announce. But, so far, despite all that potential, he's failed to really impress or stand out at all in the polls. Reminds me of our fishy friend, Magikarp. Womp.

Catch 'em all and catch up with our our debate coverage tonight on Twitter via @MTVIssues

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