The Latest ‘Uptown Funk’ Mashup Is A Movie Buff’s Dream: Watch

Film lovers, hit your hallelujah!

"Uptown Funk" -- Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars' groovalicious, heavily VMA-nominated jam of all jams -- debuted nine months ago already (!), so at this point, you could likely sing it in your sleep. And as far as covers go, it's hard to top that one awesome Texas high school and, you know, President Obama.

But what about hearing the lyrics delivered by your favorite characters from "The Breakfast Club," "The Mighty Ducks" and "Groundhog Day"? Or seeing Shrek and The Terminator pop in for quick fragments? Or, like, watching the characters from basically ever movie ever rise up as one gigantic voice to bring "Uptown Funk" to life?

That's exactly what awesomely named YouTuber dondrapersayswhat created in the mashup to end all "Uptown Funk" mashups, "Uptown Funk Sung By The Movies."

The video took three months to create, its creator wrote in the video description, and it's easy to see why. The cuts are quick, especially during the chorus, but they're masterfully done. How many New York-centric movies did this guy have to wade through to find characters that said the word "uptown"? Probably a lot. That's what makes this one so special.

Personal favorite: Christopher Walken in "Pulp Fiction" saying "watch." If you know the scene, you know its brilliance. If anything, a real-life Christopher Walken rendition of "Uptown Funk" would pretty much make my life -- you hear that, "Lip Sync Battle" producers?


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Turn on closed captioning on to see which movie is which. And, c'mon, just watch.

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