How Do The 'Teen Mom 2' Girls Introduce New Boyfriends To Their Children?

Chelsea reveals the emotions she felt having her beau Cole spend time with daughter Aubree.

Through the years, Jenelle, Leah and Kailyn have introduced male figures to their children after moving on from the fathers of their firstborn. But unlike her "Teen Mom 2" cast members, Chelsea did not have a partner to familiarize her daughter Aubree with -- until she started getting serious with Cole. So how did the esthetician feel about incorporating this new relationship with her beau and her little girl?

"I always was so nervous about dating because I was like, 'How is someone going to fit in?'" Chels divulges to Kailyn and Jenelle in the clip below. "But it's been so easy. When I started dating Cole, I think it's just the kind of person he is -- he just fit in so well."

While it was clear during this week's episode that the connection between the trio is very loving -- especially at A's Christmas recital -- Kailyn has her own theory about why Cole is such a great part of the Houska gals' lives.

"He's just as weird as you," the mother of two adds with a smile.

But on a more serious note, Kail points out that Chelsea's situation differs from hers and Jenelle's past experiences with new boyfriends.

"Aubree's at the age where she knows, where like, for us, our kids were so young that they didn't really understand -- so this is all they know," the Dover resident explains about Isaac and Jace. "Aubree's actually going to see a life change."

Does Aubs refer to Cole as her dad? And how did J and K deal with this similar name-calling situation with their older offspring? Watch the video below to find out, share your thoughts on Chelsea and Cole's romantic bond in the comments and keep tuning in to "TM2" on Thursdays at 10/9c!

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