Ben Mendelsohn Won't Confirm His 'Star Wars' Role, But It Sure Sounds Like He Wants It

'I would be very happy.'

Last weekend, the veil of secrecy surrounding the first "Star Wars" spinoff film was lifted, if only briefly. We now know the 2016 movie's title — "Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One" — and we know what it's about: "A band of resistance fighters unite for a daring mission to steal the Death Star plans," meaning the movie takes place in between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope."

We also know who's starring in the movie: Felicity Jones. Beyond that? Only rumors — but man, rumored co-star Ben Mendelsohn sure feels like a lock, especially after we sat down with him.

"It's all news to me," the actor said while chatting with MTV's Josh Horowitz about possibly taking part in "Rogue One." Mendelsohn is already having a bit of a moment with a celebrated turn in Netflix's "Bloodline," as well as the upcoming Western "Slow West." Adding "Star Wars" to his dance card wouldn't just boost the actor's profile; it would be a dream come true for Mendelsohn's younger self.

"I was in the absolute sweet spot for 'Star Wars,'" he said. "I would've been eight or something when it came out, so it was like, boom, like a nuke. I had the trading cards, posters on the wall… it was big. Big."

So, while he can't confirm that "big" things are headed his way, Mendelsohn made it very clear that he "would be very happy" to get the "Rogue One" call. For now? Call it a rumor — but a rumor we would not be shocked to see become a reality.

"Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One" hits theaters on December 16, 2016.

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