Man Smashes Through Frozen Lake To Save Stray Dog: Watch

Russian guy proves he's the ultimate dog-lover.

Think you love dogs? Well a man in Russia recently swam through a frozen lake to save a stranded dog, once again confirming our theory that there are no soft Russians, even when they're doing the most heartwarming thing imaginable.

The Daily Mail reports a 21-year-old named Ivan (of course) pulled up near a pond to help motorists with some car trouble, but during their encounter they heard a dog barking. Ivan saw the poor guy stranded in the middle of the frozen body of water, so he took action, swimming through the frigid water and risking hypothermia to rescue it.

Actually, the pond was so frozen over that you can't even really call it swimming: He smashed through the ice with his fists for 10 yards. Only after that was he able to wrangle the dog and swim back to shore like a superhuman Mitch Buchannon.

The incident reportedly occurred last March outside of Moscow, but the video has been making the rounds this week. In an interview with a Russian news station, Ivan says he was rewarded by the bystanders with vodka and sausage, and that he adopted the stray dog, naming it Rex.

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