Meghan Trainor Talks Body Confidence, Kissing Boys In New Interview

Before she was 'all about that bass,' Meghan was self-conscious.

Meghan Trainor is easily one of our favorite breakout artists of last year. Between her insanely addictive debut album, Title, and her highly anticipated collaborations with artists like Harry Styles, who could resist the spunky 21-year-old?

But Meghan admits the road to fame wasn’t an easy one. In a new interview with Seventeen, she dished that before becoming a household name, she felt self-conscious about not fitting the traditional mold of a celeb.

“When I saw photos of myself, I would think, ‘I look awful. There’s a double chin!’” she spilled. “I never thought I’d be a pop star. I don’t look like Rihanna.”

Even after releasing the body confidence anthem “All About That Bass,” it took a sweet fan encounter for Meghan to realize once and for all that every inch of her is perfect, from the bottom to the top.

“When I was signing autographs, this girl came up to me bawling and said, ‘You make me feel pretty again. Thank you,’” Meghan revealed. “It really resonated with me that this girl was so gorgeous, and she didn’t even know it.”

Meghan’s new-found confidence totally shows. Not only is she flaunting her beauty as the new face of Clinique, but she looks drop-dead gorgeous as the cover girl for Seventeen’s March issue.

“It’s a mental thing. Just recently I was thinking, ‘I’m confident now, and I look good,’ and that’s because I’ve started saying those words out loud more,” Meghan said. “So now when I see pictures, I’m like, ‘Oh my God, why would I hate myself at all? I look incredible in that picture!’”

That positive attitude is also the reason why the Grammy nominee isn’t worried about being single for the time being.

"I knew my life would be complicated if my dreams of becoming a success in music came true,” she admitted. “And I knew I'd have to work hard to achieve those dreams, and that they'd have to take a front seat in my life. So even though I went cray in high school, now I haven't kissed a boy in forever. I keep telling myself that the right guy is going to be worth the wait. When I find the one, it's going to be like, ‘Damn, that's why you took so long! 'Cause you're awesome!’”

Yep, we have no doubt about that, Meghan. In the mean time, keep being your gorgeous self!



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