This Kidz Bop Cover Of 'All About That Bass' Is...Interesting

Waaaaaaait, what did they say they're bringing back?

BREAKING NEWS: Kidz Bop still exists.

If that's not enough to make you stop right in your tracks, listen to the family-friendly retooling of Meghan Trainor's "All About That Bass" off of Kidz Bop 27 below. Pay special attention to the "I'm bringing booty back" line in the second verse.

Don't notice anything weird? Watch this Vine, isolated to the point of the song in question.

Yeah, it really sounds like they're singing "I'm bringing anal back" -- no butts buts about it.

To be fair, the actual Kidz Bop lyric is "I'm bringing it all back," and that's not the only line they changed. They pretty much scrubbed Meghan's #1 hit clean of any and all booty references; "boom boom" becomes "dance moves" and "boys like a little more booty to hold at night" becomes something vague about not leaving the house because you're insecure or sad or something? IDK.

In other words, the Kidz Bop kids are singing a song about butts that's not even about butts anymore, and that's honestly the most shocking thing about this whole mess.

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