The Snack Gods Have Smiled Upon Us With Cheetos' New Treat

Paging all Katy Perrys.

In news that's sure to delight both Katy Perry and non-Katy Perry snack enthusiasts, Cheetos has announced that it will soon launch a new snack called "Sweetos."

Debuting in late February, the puffy treats will be cinnamon sugar-flavored. I personally suspect that unicorn tears will, in some way, make it into the recipe. Don't worry -- I'll keep you updated as this story develops.

This is not a joke, nor is it a drill. But, why so sweet all of a sudden, Cheetos? Like most things in life, it's apparently allllllllllll us millennials' faults. USA Today reports that our generation is partly responsible in a recent "jump in 'sweet' snacking."

We look forward to trying these out in all their glory. Katy, is this sparking Halloween 2015 ideas?

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