Oh Crap, 'Fifty Shades' Fans: E.L. James Is Writing A Frisky New Book

The next Christian and Anastasia are on their way.

"Fifty Shades of Grey" fans officially have even more to look forward to -- because E.L. James is ready to write her next book. A sexy book.

In a new interview with People, James said that producing the film adaptation of "Fifty Shades" -- which hits theaters on February 13, and just received an "unusual" rating from the MPAA -- had previously kept her away from writing new material, but not anymore.

"I have some love stories bubbling away in my mind," she said. "I hope the fans will be as eager to read them as I am to write them."

Obviously, this should be the case. Especially since the book she has in mind will feature a romance like the one between Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.

"I believe that's what readers enjoy most about 'Fifty Shades,'" James said, adding that the whole sex thing also provides some, uh, pleasure. "When people fall in love, a certain amount of friskiness inevitably follows."

Basically, before you know it, a new E.L. James love story -- complete with "friskiness" -- will hit shelves. But in the meantime, James says we should all look forward to the "Fifty Shades" movie.

"I was on set every day," James concluded. "Seeing the characters and story come to life was an intense and surreal experience. I'm very happy with the casting. Dakota [Johnson] and Jamie [Dornan] have done an amazing job and they're going to become huge movie stars – they deserve to."

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