The Director Of 'Frozen' Is Sorry That 'Let It Go' Has Been Stuck In Your Head Since 2013

All apologies for the power ballad.

"Frozen" has given us so much, from a sexed-up Olaf Halloween costume to a "Once Upon a Time" plotline to ladies' lingerie inspired by Elsa's superpowers. But no "Frozen" byproduct has been more ubiquitous than "Let It Go," the power ballad sung by Idina Menzel that we have now been belting out in the shower for thirteen continuous months -- and for that, director Jennifer Lee is sorry.

"A year ago, I'd meet people who, when they found out who I was, they'd say, 'Oh, we love the songs! We sing them all the time,'" Lee told the Hollywood Reporter. Now they're like, 'Yep, we're still listening to those songs,' " laughs Lee. "I've gone from, 'Thank you,' to, 'Sorry!'"

Of course, after issuing that apology, Lee is probably going down into a secret vault in the basement of her house and diving Scrooge McDuck-style into a giant pile of money made explicitly thanks to the extraordinary staying power of "Let It Go," so who knows if she really means it.

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