22 Celebrities You'd Never Guess Would Be Caught Dead In An Ugly Christmas Sweater

In celebration of #sweaterweather, celebrities really seem to be embracing the Christmas sweater look. Some are tasteful with fairisle designs and others feature rats. Let's take a look at who's giving Grandma a run for her money.

Taylor Swift

Raymond Hall/GC Images

Taylor Swift

Here's Taylor being *~so~* New York, with her beanie and winter sweater. I love how her look just says, "Who? Me?"

Harry Styles

Not only does Harry look PRESH, but we can all tell it's a #TBT because of the terrible Instagram choices. What is he even using, Kelvin? No one uses Kelvin, Harry, and just because you're a superstar doesn't mean you're exempt.

Ariana Grande

"Oh, you know me, just lounging in my crop sweater waiting for Santa to come down my chimney."

Michael 'Flea' Balzary

Michael '

This is the BEST Christmas sweater I've ever seen. Is Satan holding a helpless child in his fiery grip? Is he wearing chains a la Ebenezer Scrooge in a Christmas Carol? If anyone can locate this sweater and buy it for me in bulk, I will Venmo you ASAP.

Katy Perry

Getty Images

Katy Perry

As the only 3D sweater on our list, Katy Perry obviously gets major props. While she is very festive, Andy Samberg as Kathy Beth Terry is not. Petition for KBT to wear a sweater, too.

Ann Curry and Matt Lauer

Ann Curry and Matt Lauer

Admittedly, my favorite part of their outfits is Matt Lauer's wool tie. But besides that, these are the classic ugly Christmas sweaters that most Octogenarians will be sporting this yuletide season.

Justin Bieber

Getty Images

Justin Bieber

This look is especially magical for Biebs because it's a jacket. He's given the world a glimpse of this magical sartorial hybrid. If only he was also wearing jeggings.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

I mean, she's probably not wearing pants under that big sweater, but I do like the layering! Also, I'm happy that her makeup look is low-key. Miles still looks pretty with minimal makeup and two hair buns on top of her head.

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

"Why, yes. Suri does have this same sweater, but she won't let me wear it at the same time as her because she's embarrassed to match me. Next question!"

Clinton Kelly

Clinton Kelly

It seems like this gingerbread man hopped on the wrong subway on the way to see the Muffin Man and got eaten by some rats. The 3D rat tail is a beautiful touch.

Jared Eng and Joe Jonas

First thought, #stache. Second thought, #gnome?

Andy Richter, Mike Tyson, Conan O'Brien, Max Weinberg

The Tonight Show with Conan O'

Mike Tyson is wearing a 3/4 zip sweater along with Conan O'Brien, Andy Richter, Max Weinberg and a golden retriever puppy. ~That's what Christmas means to me~.

Christie Brinkley

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - December 14, 2013

Seems a little formal for a Knicks game, but whatever. You go, Christie Brinkley! Look at your perfect hair!

Pharrell Williams

Getty Images

Pharrell Williams

At this point, if Pharrell can get away with that Smokey the Bear hat, he can get away with this sweater. I wonder where he got that. I love the cardinal sitting on the moose's antler, and I like that the moose is wearing a scarf. V wavy winter wonderland vibes.

Rob Schneider, Tim Meadows, Chris Farley, Adam Sandler

Rob Schneider, Tim Meadows, Chris Farley, Adam Sandler

While Adam Sandler isn't wearing a Christmas sweater while singing his Christmas song, Chris Farley, Tim Meadows, and Rob Schneider certainly complement the performance with their festive looks.




I saw Beyoncé wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, so I bought an ugly Christmas sweater. (No really, here's the info.)

Poppy Delevingne

Poppy Delevingne

Why is it that if I tried on that sweater I would look like a Who from Whoville, but Poppy looks great?

Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller

The same anomaly stands for Sienna Miller.

Matt Damon

Matt Damon

Matt is sporting a lot of texture with this sweater. There is some beading around the collar and Santa hats with fuzzy trim on the sleeves. The Santas on the front of his sweater also have some applique beards. Way festive, Matt.

Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood

I feel like Elijah maybe bought that sweater himself and paid way too much for it? It's cool that the moose looks mounted, though.

Ellie Goulding

Ellie Goulding

The white part of Ellie's sweater looks either very soft or very itchy. I hope it's the former for her sake! But she looks cute, I'll give her that. I'm glad her Skrillex buzz grew out nicely!

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

And last, but not least, good ol' JGL. This is what a Christmas sweater is supposed to look like. It also transitions well from a "Matching Family Photo" look to an ironic "I'm so good looking nothing looks dumb on me" outfit. Hat tip is deserved.

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