Hey, You Guys Wanna Go Trick-Or-Treating At Beyonce And Jay Z's House?

And Taylor's and Britney's and Gaga's? 'Knock' on the doors below to reveal a spoOoOoky celebrity surprise.

With absolutely zero chance that you'll cross paths with an actual famous person this Halloween, you might as well just crawl into a hole and DIE, right? WRONG. (Though that'd be extremely Halloween of you.) We've figured out a way for you to feel like you're trick-or-treating at the unlisted, 47-room Calabasas residences of all your pop faves. (Warning: Don't attempt this IRL, or you'll end up with a restraining order at best.)

Simply "knock" on the door visuals below -- and by that I mean press/click and hold -- to reveal Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Kanye West, Katy Perry and more celebrities dressed up in their Halloween best. Then close your eyes and do your best to use your imagination to pretend that they're handing out giant wads of hundreds and giving out free selfies.

2.) Mother Monster and Asia's matchy-matchy lewk just might be Versace.

3.) Just hold on, we're going a clown car.

4.) They're not bad, they're just drawn that 'Ye.

5.) Are you a part of the Rih-thm Nation? Then press and hold the image below.

6.) Guarding the galaxy, one surprise album release at a time.

7.) Glory and gore go hand in hand.

8.) She got that red hood classic thing that you like.

9.) She can't stop EATING BRAAAAAAINS.

10.) She must confess, she still your f--kyeah90s Tumblr.

Related: Check Out The 33 Best Celebrity Halloween Costumes Of All Time

Art by Ralph Bashir, Gavin Alaoen and Shannon Baek

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