Simone Says: On Wednesdays, 'Are You The One?' Wears Pink

The Season 1 spitfire says the Mean Girls have descended on Puerto Rico.

Trusted ESPN analysts don't mince their words when it comes to Monday Night Football, so why should Simone Kelly beat around the bush when it comes to her take on "Are You the One?" Season 2?

The sassy spitfire, who's about as shy as dynamite, has generously agreed to serve as MTV News' own "AYTO" correspondent through the current batch of episodes, and last week, she proved she's got no intention of sitting on the fence.

Have things changed for Episode 2? Don't hold your breath.

In the latest episode of "Simone Says" below, the vet tackles Dario committing a Shelby-robbery, why "AYTO" is starting to look like "Mean Girls" and why Tyler's gotta learn to keep her head up. Listen to her take, tell us if you agree with her stances and stay tuned to the next "Are You the One?" episode next Monday night at 10/9c!

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