8 Ways That Reddit Changes Your Perspective

Here's what you'll discover from becoming a serious redditor.

Instead of trudging through your polluted Facebook feed, spread your wings and give reddit a try. It's got everything you need from a social media experience and unlike Facebook, your mom hasn't figured out how to use it. Here are eight lessons that redditors will understand, but anyone could learn to appreciate.

1. The internet doesn’t care about your personal life


The greatest thing about reddit is that it's simply about exchanging the best content and ideas online. There are no profiles or avatars, so it's very easy to be completely honest. Reddit's focus isn't on getting discovered, getting laid or getting followers. Other social media platforms are all about showing off, but reddit is about looking at the wider world beyond yourself...and wasting time while you're supposed to be working.

2. Facebook Likes are meaningless

Facebook likes

You're friends with 3,200 people, and you think that seven likes is all you need for a successful status update? Sure, a few of your old pals may find your #ThrowbackThursday photo amusing, but stop kidding yourself. Getting on the first page of reddit, now that's an achievement you'll be able to tell your grandkids about.

3. Life is too short for spam


Reddit has a zero tolerance policy on spam, which is enforced by the thousands of moderators and users who block or delete anything that resembles crap. Being on reddit means not having to constantly worry if you're falling down a clickbait boobytrap. If you begin to view the rest of the internet with suspicion, you wouldn't be the first.

Related: 7 Things You Never Expected To Hate Until You Joined Reddit

4. You can't be trusted to post good stuff

down votes

You may be thinking, "No, I'm different, I share cool stuff online!" Statistically speaking, you're just wrong and in for a rude awakening. Submit your content to reddit and see if it survives the gauntlet of downvotes.

5. Not everyone sucks

pizza reddit

Tired of reading about Adrian Peterson and ISIS? Redditors understand that, while most people suck, not everyone does and they pride themselves on rewarding the good ones. Like when the reddit community bought out the wedding registry of a hero who stopped a school shooting, or sent free pizza to those in need.

6. Mother Nature is a badass


Your Instagram feed is probably cluttered with pictures of food you can't eat and people you can't sleep with...but you can go appreciate the great outdoors. Do yourself a favor and cruise on over to the Earth Porn subreddit to enjoy "Mother Nature in all of her succulent beauty," and maybe feel inspired to get out of the house for once.

7. It's got to be insanely cute


Cute babies, cute cats and cute puppies abound online. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, though, reddit lets the community downvote things, so you'll only see the cutest of the cute. You don't think I'll downvote an un-cute baby? Try me.

8. Reddit is the only social media you really need


Links, news, videos or memes -- the good thing about reddit is it's the best the internet has to offer. You'll still have to keep your Facebook account to communicate with old friends and see what your exes are up to, but they're posting stuff you already saw days or even weeks ago. Nothing beats the entertainment value of reddit.

Related: You Can Now Reddit For College Credit

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