The Shocking Evolution Of Taylor Wilson On 'Finding Carter'

She's gotten drunk, smoked pot and had her first kiss(es) in a few short weeks.

The innocent Wilson sister is all grown up! Sorta.

In a matter of just a few episodes, Carter's twin sister Taylor has gone from meek to minx and then some — throwing us "Finding Carter" fans for quite a loop. In the words of our beloved Britney Spears, she's not a girl, not yet a woman. Peep the surprising evolution of Taylor, and tell us — what Tay-ism has shocked you the most?

Gets wastey-faced

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When Carter first arrived to the Wilson household, she longed for a slice of her old life, partying included. With Taylor in tow, she dragged Miss Innocent to an underage shindig, where Tay decided to make up for lost time by downing a mysterious beverage in a red Solo cup, along with several shots. And that was only the beginning...

Has first kiss (of many)

Taylor's "Twenty-One Minutes In Heaven" began with a beginner smooch from Ofe (a.k.a. her first-ever kiss!), led to Gabe and was finally followed by Carter's ex Max.

Goes on first date...with Gabe

Gabe couldn't get enough of Tay-Tay's luscious lips, and he promptly asked her on a date. The duo were awkwardly intercepted by Taylor's crush Max, which is a big, fat NO in Dating 101.

Gets her first boyfriend

Gabe and Taylor decided to remain opposite-sex besties, so Tay could pursue her feelings for Max. Sounds like somebody's got a booooyfriend! Maxlor, FTW.

Starts wearing eyeliner on the regular


Where'd our fresh-faced baby go? Taylor took a cue from the Carter playbook and started wearing makeup — namely, eyeliner. Lookin' good, Tay-Tay. (But we still say you have a natural beauty all your own and don't need the face paint!)

Finally stands up to mom


Golden child of silence no more, Taylor put her foot down (and put Elizabeth in her rightful place of the dog house) after her mom's affair went public in the Wilson household. Three cheers for Taylor!

Skips school to...


Following the news of Mama Wilson's departure, the defiant twins decided they'd had enough of attending classes for one day...

...go smoke pot

tumblr_nakpfdsK5W1tdi2n7o2_1280 they joined Max and Crash for a double date with the ol' peace pipe. A marijuana first-timer, Tay crawled on all fours while reciting poetry about pussy cats, shortly before retiring into a blissful, Mary Jane-induced sleep.

Loses virginity to Max

Our lady then skipped school again to lose her V-card to Max, who was beyond honored (in a very awkward way) to be her first. Despite her mom crashing the, er, party, the duo sealed the deal and agreed that they both really, really, really, really, really, really like each other. AWWWW!

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